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Coaching Services

Support, feedback, and encouragement throughout the writing process 

How can a coach help me?

A writing coach is like a personal trainer for your writing project. As your coach, I'll listen to you in order to understand your needs, and then I'll work with you to develop a plan to reach your goals. I'll work with you to brainstorm new ideas, and I'll be your sounding board as you work through tough spots. I'll provide encouragement when you are stuck and support when you are struggling. A coach can help provide accountability to keep you on track and, of course, plenty of feedback on your work.

How does coaching work?

Coaching sessions occur weekly, biweekly, or on an as-needed basis. During a session we might review your writing, develop strategies for making progress on your project, or brainstorm new ideas. Coaching subscription plans include unlimited access to my advice through email.

What types of plans are available?

One-hour coaching sessions may be purchased individually or in packages of 5 or 10 sessions. Premier Coaching is a subscription-based plan that includes weekly coaching sessions and unlimited email access.

How do I get started?

I recommend that potential coaching clients schedule a free consultation so that I can get a sense of what you are looking for in a coach, and you can decide whether I am the right coach for you. If you choose to become a client, click on one of the links below to book an individual session or to purchase a package or subscription.

  • Premier Coaching

    Every month
    The complete coaching experience
    • Weekly 1-hour sessions
    • Unlimited emails with your coach
  • Coaching 5

    $375 value
    Valid for one year
    • 5 one-hour coaching sessions
  • Coaching 10

    $750 value
    Valid for one year
    • 10 one-hour coaching sessions
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